Thursday, December 4, 2008


Thanksgiving was really good. Probably one of the best I've ever had really. When I was younger, I was always awkward going over to my Dad's side of the family I think just because I didn't know them that well and they didn't know me that well and I was just always closer to my Mom's side of the family and blah blah. And the past years we've had to put with the wicked step-mother, but she's gone now hallejuah! (i'm sure I spelled that wrong :/ ) But Mindi having me in her wedding helped alot in bringing me closer to that side of the family and I'm actually comfortable around them now :] But anyways, ate lunch at my house with my Granddaddy and Grandmommie Sharon (and Barbara and David of course) and then took a small nap and went to Jana's and waited on Meago and then ate againnn and just sat around and then we all played a game called "cranium" - best game ever! It's fun :] and those chocolate drinks that Dusty made were yuummmmmy :] And we all went out to the Piano Bar that Saturday.. bahaha. Got alittle drunk. But I had a blast :] It was kind of funny going into work still kinda drunk, bahaha

So I guess after Thanksgiving and working that weekend, I just got to the point where I was like I can't stand the Candy Wrapper because come Monday I had the hardest time wanting to go to work, but I did. And I was just like almost kind of disgusted walking in the store, idk why. But Barbara caught on to my mood and asked what was up and I just simply told her "I don't want to be here" and so I got to go home and thank the lode I did because if I hadn't, I probably would've had about like 3040989843294 fits. So I ran a couple of errands, got me some donuts and went home and took a nice longggg nap :] And then went to class which was the last class and then spent 6 hours in the library that night working on that dumb portfolio. The next day (tues) was quite interesting... So I had that portfolio due at 11:00 and I had already worked 6 hours on it and was just ready to get it over with.. So I woke up early to print everything off at home and the printer decides its "on vacation" that day. UGH! SO I got ready and went to my bus stop and got on the bus and rode to campus, got off at the SUB and as soon as I stepped off I realized I forgot my memory stick with all my portfolio stuff on it.. in my car. UGH! So I got right back on and e-mailed my teacher with my first class of the day and told her what was going on (as if it was some kind of crisis) and rode all the way back to my car and was just like "you know what? I'm just going to go to work and print this off because I know it will work there and I'm not going to take the risk of going somewhere where I know it won't." So I went to the mall and was walking into the mall and was almost to the store and I forgot my memory stick in my car.. again.. ughhhh finally printed everything off and headed back to the bus stop.. I forgot my memory stick at the store... along with my jacket. really jenee? not that I really needed them, thank goodness the weather had gotten warmer, but still.. I just about forgot everything. Anyways turned that ho in and said peace! Thank goodness. Then went and ate lunch with Daddy :] and ran a couple of errands and went home and took me another nice longg nap :] then i WAS going to go workout but I couldn' get the motivation to do so and Barbara and David were going to look at houses so I went with them ha. So we went and looked at houses and then went to eat at the new Caprock Cafe on 82nd and Slide. It's pretty nice, smoke-free :] and then I came home and debated for 2 hours if I wanted to go out or not and finally decided to do so.. So met up with Frazier at the Piano Bar and had a couple of beers (okay three) and then right before I left, had a shot. And that's it. I lead an exciting life :]

Nothing's new as far as moving next fall. I was going to work on the application today but Miss Taylor is sick so I'm going to work for her since she's working for me tmw.. But I do have tmw off so I'm planning on working on it then. I did decide though that if I don't have the GPA to get in that certain major after this semester then my ONE class next semester should bring it up and I should get in after that but even if for some reason, it doesn't then I'm still going to move. I can still get into the school, just not be able to major in that yet and take other classes that I can take and just get settled in, find a job and all that jazz. I'm going to move no matter what. (Or I really want to) But here pretty soon I'll be taking a couple of trips down there to visit the school and then later to find an apt and all that. I'm excited :] It's pretty much all I can think about haha.

So Holly and I have been talking about getting another tattoo for the longest time and we have the dove/sparrow thing we already want.. and a friend of my facebook put this bible verse as her status one day and I just love it : Psalms 46:5 - God is within her, she will not fall

Ahh. I love it. So I want that tattoo with "Psalms 46:5" around it somewhere and maybe even with the "God is within her, she will not fall" also. And if I wanted to do a "bigger" tattoo then add some flowers in the back of it or something. Idk. I gotta draw it all out and see :] Exciting.

I still want my nose pierced! And we almost came close to getting it done but then I backed out. I kinda want to do it when I achieve one of my goals.. like getting accepted into TWU or finding somewhere to live in Denton or even just moving down there. We'll see :]

I bought the new Taylor Swift CD yesterday and it's realllllllly good, I very highly recommend it :] and I bought some SWEET shades. Aviator-types. I lost my black ones that I've had foreverrrr and so I've been looking around for some and couldn't find any that looked cute on me and weren't expensive. But these were $5.99 (Target!) and I really do like them. I'm thinking about going to buy like two more pairs in case I lose these or they get scratched up real bad like my black ones did. Hmm.

On the way home yesterday the clouds were pretty crazy and since my poor self doesn't have a digital camera I took some with my iphone. But anyways, they were reallllllly low like literally looked like they were touching the ground and then the sun was coming out above them. It was pretty cool. That's what I love about living alittle further out, on the way home you get to see some sweet sunsets/clouds.