Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Daaaang gina!

It's been quite some time since I've updated! SO much is new!

I just recently went back and re-read all my old entries. Some of them I sound like such a little brat - probably because I know last year was my biggest bratty phase ever ha. But it's cool to see where I was at that point and where I'm at now.

Where in the world am I at now? 1,646 miles north-east of Lubbock, TX all the way in Washington, DC attending Gallaudet University! :) I packed up my stuff, put what I was leaving there out in the barn at Grandmother's farm and shipped the rest of it here and hopped on a plane and moved here August 26, 2009! Needless to say, it's the best decision I've ever made. Getting out of Lubbock and away from everyone was exactly what I needed at that point in my life. Buuuutttttt, I do miss home, I do get homesick. I remember last semester I was talking to Jen about it (knowing that she's moved away from home as well and has been through the same) and she was giving me advice as how to "cope" with being homesick by just keeping myself busy mainly so I put a lot of my focus on my schoolwork (after all that's what I'm here for eh?) and just keeping myself busy really helps. So I got to go home for Thanksgiving and that was cool. It was really good to see everyone after being gone from home for the first time for that long. But leaving wasn't so bittersweet because I knew I was gna get to go back in 3 weeks for Christmas break for a whole month. So Christmas rolled around and I didn't get to go home on the exact day as scheduled due to a BLIZZZZZAARRRD! My first blizzard ever, SO cool! Finally got to fly home, spent the next 4 weeks there.. Kind of.. Went to Dallas, TX one weekend to see Willie Nelson and then went back to Lubbock for a few days and then flew to San Francisco with Barbara and David (well, met them there but same concept) and spent a few days there playing tourist and then flew back to Lubbock the night before I left to come back to DC so basically spent two days in an airport or airplane. Needless to say, I'm STILL a little sick of airports/airplanes. But, I've been back here for 3 weeks I guess and I'm already homesick! But I think it's really because we had the whole week off last week because TWO snowstorms passed through so it was (& still is) a little crazy around here. So that whole week off resulted in ultimate boredom for this girl which led me to think about home more which led to the homesickness but now that school has kicked back in this week, I'm not as bored so that helps :)

I had/have a lot to say but I just got tired all of a sudden so instead I'm gna close this for now.


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