Sunday, February 28, 2010

no inhibitions, make no conditions, get a little outta line

In regards to the title, let me just throw out that I absolutely love Shania Twain and I have been waiting, very patiently, for quite some years now for her to go back on tour. I was sure (and hopeful!) that when news broke out that her and her hubby were splitting up she, like every other artist that goes through a break up, would throw herself back into music and announce a new tour. Time shall tell.

It's Sunday. I have a love/hate relationship with Sundays... Most of the time, I hate them. As to why this is, I'm not sure but it could be the fact that it's the day designated for all the homework that's been put off during the week/weekend, or that it's the last day of the weekend, or the day that you should be with your family and mine's nowhere close :( This girl wants to go home and see her family!

Speaking of going home, the topic of what the heck I'm gna do this summer has been on my mind all day -- I wanted to stay here in DC just bc I thought it would be easier considering I didn't have a car back home and getting around here is so much easier but now that I think about it, if I stay, obviously I'd get a job but the money I'd make would go straight to rent/bills/whatever so I wouldn't be able to pocket anything but if I go home, I don't have to pay rent and can pocket money if I work but transportation is an issue. So regardless, there's gna be an issue with whatever decision I make. But I'm leaning more towards going home for sure.

Barbara and David are flying up here to my neck of the woods in two weeks, during my Spring Break :) I'll meet them in Baltimore and then we'll go up to NYC! Spend about a day & half there and then back to Baltimore and stay there one night and then I'll see them off [ :( ] & then as to what I'll do the rest of the week, I'm not sure. I just looked up flights to go home, hehe, but I'd only be there for 3 days and to spend that much money for only 3 days makes me a little nervous (I'm cheap!!) so I'll just wait until I can go home for the summer & it'll be even more special :)

I've gotta get back in the groove of running or doing some sort of working out at least more than zero times a week, ha. I've been slaaackin and there's more junk being added to the trunk and more air being added to the spare tire. Not pretty at all.

So with all of the crazy weather stuff going on; the earthquakes, tsunamis, snow storms and all that "fun" stuff; I was wondering the other day if any of this could be associated with the rapture and how other people perceive it and blah blah. About a year or two ago I read a few books about it (the series about it, I can't remember what they're called) - didn't finish them even though they were interesting but as far as the whole concept of what the rapture is and blah blah, I've got that down. But anywayssss it just got me thinking about how many people are associating all of this craziness with it and just how many churches all across the US (and world, for that matter) would be talking/preaching about it on Sunday and starting to freak people out about it. Not saying anything bad but just bringing up a point that this is one of those things where people just freak out and that kind of thing makes it worse. There is nothing that we can do to prevent any of this stuff going on, it's still going to happen and all we can do is just hope that it won't be as bad as thought (ex: Hawaii) and that everyone will be okay and lend a hand or two when needed.

So I've been "working" on this post for a few hours, dabbling here and there, clicked the wrong button and a new page came up and I thought I lost it all! :( But behold! I found it! Yippee! :)

But I think it's a sign to go ahead and say g'night! So, g'night! Till we meet again :)

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